Monday 1 February 2016

Nocturnal storyboard

The storyboard may just seem like an extra, some may say tedious, step in the whole film making process.. but it's defiantly not! A storyboard is the best way to share and explain your vision, not just with any interested parties, but also with the rest of your group, as all the group members will vision how the thriller will go slightly differently, so its best to ensure people are on the same wave length.. well try too, but also to ensure other people can also understand the idea.
Story boarding makes overall production a whole lot easier, as it sets up a plan for the production, including all the shots, the order and how those concepts will interact with the script. This makes the filming slightly easier as you've already planned the coverage, and it ensures scenes wont be forgotten, obviously the storyboard isn't set in stone so there is always room for improvement, but its just a guide to help.
You may not think it but the storyboard process actually SAVES time!! So spending a little more time on the storyboard, in the end turns out in your favor as it helps piece the parts together.

So anyway enough of me rambling on, here is our Nocturnal storyboard, hope you enjoy!

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