Thursday 28 April 2016

Thriller opening- Nocturnal

Finally!! After MANY hours (weeks) work, along with major technical faults which we encountered along the way, our thriller opening is finally ready!

As everyone probably knows we have had software issues all along the way, including up to the final day when the film wouldn't export, which meant we didn't have the time or capability to use after effects with our production, which we would have really liked to do, and which would have benefited the film massively!

Unfortunately something has occurred to make the film sizing distorted, this wasn't happening until it was exported, meaning there was nothing we could have done/ can do to prevent it from happening, so you're just going to have to ignore that! (I am hoping this is the last issue we have along the way in our media course!! But at least we can say it's improved our understanding of technology and defiantly out patients)

Other than that, I hope you enjoy:)

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