Wednesday 2 March 2016

Filming our thriller opening

Hey guys!!!
So finally we have finished filming!!! It has taken us in total 5 attempts to film our opening and believe me it has been one tiresome but exciting experience. First of all me and the rest of my group (Charlie, Sav and Eloise) began filming in the woods near Charlie's house, this was in order for us to get location shots so we could set the scene we were trying to portray right at the beginning of our thriller opening, overall this went well, we managed to get a variety of shots so we had many to chose from and we got it all finished with pretty quick (1-2 hours).
As you can see from the photo below this is a sneak preview of the setting we are portraying throughout our film:

The hard parts came next.. We then had to focus on filming in the log cabin, and for this we needed all our characters, trying to organize when to shoot with people who have other important commitments proved to be very challenging, and obviously because our actors weren't media students it wasn't their first priority like it was ours, however they still managed to make it every time, so THANKS GUYS ;). We ended up filming in the log cabin 3 times!! We wanted it to be the best it could be and due to the season we are currently in, obviously as everyone knows it gets dark very quick, hence why we spent so much time filming otherwise the lighting would have been different!

Then came our last time filming, which was at my house, the narrative we were trying to achieve was a serial killer preparing for his murders. (I had to play the killer and walk down the jitty with a knife, which i'm pretty sure thinking about it now would have got us in some serious trouble *YIKES* it worked though and we got the shots we wanted!!!

Now you're just going to have to be patient wait for the final product :D
See you soon!!!

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