Friday 4 March 2016

Locational Sneak Preview

Me and my group needed what seemed to be a secluded location, in order to meet the demands of the thriller conventions, therefore we chose the entrance of a woods, a few minutes walk from Charlie's house, this was an ideal location for all the group as we were able to get to it by foot! The shots which were taken in this environment were proposed as the journey to the log cabin, which is in the starting seconds of the film opening. The setting helped create a rural, solitary feel for the viewers, helping to build up the tension and suspense which we are hoping to achieve.

Another location sneak peak is inside the log cabin (located on Charlie's garden). This is the location of the girls perfectly normal mini break.. so they thought. The cabin is seen to be cosy, and pleasant which causes a major contrast with what actually occurs just outside the door, which is my opinion adds suspense, and creates the realism that you never know what's around the corner.. literally!! 

(The shot shows the group of friends in the cabin, except me and Sav as we were setting up and recording the shot)

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